Organizing Holiday Photos: Bring The Neat Master Summit

Happy New Year!

Back in December, I participated in a fantastic Google+ Hangout “Bring The Neat” Holiday Organizing Master Summit. It was a great opportunity to collaborate with other incredible speakers and share our tricks and tips. I want to especially thank Adam Levine for inviting me.

I wanted to share the video of my 15-minute segment.  I highlight 4 key points about organizing your photos.

1. First, get your photos off your camera or phone and get them backed up!

2. Set your goal of what you want to do with your pictures. What is going to make you happy?

3. Then do something with the pictures…print them, make an album, do anything…

4. Create a system or detail your exact steps that you can follow into the future.

Bring The Neat: Collette Shine: Organizing Holiday Photos

January is the month of resolutions! So kick off the year by getting your photos into shape!

If you want to see more Bring the Neat speakers, check out the links under my video.