Collette Joins The Leonard Lopate Show

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to join Dr. Simon Rego on the Leonard Lopate Show.  It was a fantastic experience and I can only image how much work goes into producing two hours of interesting radio programming everyday.  The show has things down to a science and you are whisked in just minutes before air time.

The host, Leonard Lopate, has an incredible way of making you feel at ease.  The forty minutes flew by…it felt like we were having a nice conversation around the dinner table.  Dr. Rego and I were a perfect fit on this show.  He specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and works with serious cases such as OCD and hoarding.  I work with clients that have more typical amounts of clutter allowing us to cover a wide range of discussion.  I was also thrilled to be able to mention organizations that I am proud to be a part of the New York Chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers and the Institute for Challenging Disorganization.

If you have the time, I hope you enjoy this segment as much as I enjoyed participating in it.